Monday, October 26, 2009

OMG! Did you know this?

OMG! Did you know this?
By: Amy Kim – pink class

“Zeus darling are you somewhere there?” I can hear Hera searching for me within the soft, misty clouds of our M.O.M(-it means Mount Olympus Mansion). I thought that was the best place to hide even though others knew the place as well as I do... Those two clouds were very comforting. The clouds had the spectacular gift of talking. They would be soothing my emotions, imputing. I was still hiding between two big clouds, sweating for the heat of the sun was too hot. I thought ,"Those disgusting nasty rats on Earth don’t get how hard I work." But I thought there was another reason to it. Oh...I was also hiding here ALL on my own because, I was too embarrassed. Those measly rats down on Earth were telling-"BUUURRrrrrpppp!" burped one of the clouds. As the cloud patted its belly, he said,
"Sorry, I had a huge lunch. A bit TOO much...I guess..." Zeus screamed in a loud annoyed voice,
"II IS OK. JUST...JUST DON'T INTERUPT ME OUT EXTROVERTED YOU DARN MALICIOUS CLOUD! LET ME CONTINUE MY THOUGHT TRACKING AND ALSO LET ME CONTINUE ON MY PRECIOUS CONSPIRING TIME...Where was I?? Oh yes..." Those measly rats down on Earth were telling a big fat lie to the Gods that I was just so malevolent because I gave Pandora the box. Hah! You lot think you know the true story of what had happened? Let me tell you the TRUE story what had happened that day. I can remember it quite clearly and precisely. I WILL just ERRATICALLY DESTROY ALL HUMAN BEINGS SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY... They are TOO dumb to think the way I do. I think I am still the BEST of ALL gods, goddesses and those disgusting rats. Of course I am! I am the king of EVERYTHING... I will make them obey me forever...

Hera finally found me. She said, "Never mind about what had happened today. You know how easily you forget things... Anyways, they just don't know how great and loyal you are. Can you do something for me now darling?"I asked Hera “Does it have to be now?” Hera nodded fast. So I followed behind quickly; leaving his hatred thought of human behind, hidden within the clouds. Hera passed me an ancient old box from under her bed. Afterwords I set out for Pandora’s house. I gave it to her as a gift. I had just remembered that I left Aphrodite behind. I went to the same place I had left her; I notice she had left. I got bored so I watched what was going on earth when I saw Prometheus fighting about the box to Epimethius. I just knew Prometheus still hated me as I hated him too. Just because I tied him to the mountain peak and sent an eagle to eat his liver raw, he shouldn’t still hate me. Plus I just gave him the box, Hera sent me to give the box. I don’t even know what was in it. So before I gave the box to Pandora, I wanted to say sorry so I didn’t open it much but snuck in something called ‘hope’, not letting anything else go out. "Hee hee..." I thought to myself. I was happy for that I also loved Pandora as much as Prometheus did!!

Now, I see Epimethius and Prometheus go out of the shop and leaves cheerful Pandora behind. She was wandering around the filthy shop when she suddenly noticed the box on top of the closet. She began to be curious. She carefully gets the box from the top and she puts it on the table. I heard her say to herself “I will just shake it and listen to it and I swear that I will NOT open it.” So she shook it and listened to it. She could not hear a thing. I think she thought there was nothing in it and opened it. For I remembered Hera was jealous of her beauty, she must have put something very nasty in it. I heard Pandora's frightful scream. "Oh... Oh no... Oh my dear sweet little cupcake, I WILL save you!!" So I sped out to search for Pandora. But it was TOO late. She had opened the box and was it such a shock. She was on her poor weak knees screaming in fright as the bad things and bad creatures were set out of the box. Pandora had closed it quickly. I asked her whether if she saw a white beautiful thing flying away as well. She says she hadn’t. I asked her to open the box but she was too afraid. She opened it slowly and anxiously. She saw a little white thing at the corner of the box. She asked the thing “Who…What are you?” The thing replied “I am hope. I have to leave you now. I will set out onto the earth and overtake the bad things. Or else human will have no meaning to live.” So Pandora let her out. The ‘hope’ did a back flip and she sprang out the window and flew off. Pandora fainted of shock. I tucked my little cupcake in bed and before I left the sweet darling thing, my mind raced. I didn't know if I should or shouldn't. Anyways, I couldn't get to a proper solution so I picked the one that told me to do it- so I did... I closed my eyes and got closed to Pandora's warm bright face. I touched her cheeks- they were still very rosy. I gave her a light breath taking kiss. My mind was full of questions such as "Will she be OK?" or "Will she hate me for now onwards for giving her a small kiss?".Half an hour later when Prometheus and Epimethius came back, they saw the opened box and Pandora in bed. Prometheus ran over to Pandora and asked whether she was fine and she was. She told them she felt much better than before. They told the news article the story that you think you know well but it turns out to be that it was some misunderstanding or it could have been that the news article reporters thought this news was not so interesting and changed it a slight bit. Now you know… The true story of Pandora’s Box. You can now go to your friends and family and tell them, the real story of what happened. You MUST make sure that they DO gasp at the REAL story!!