Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jason And The Argonauts

When a hero embarks on a journey back in Ancient Greece, most of them fit into the cycle of the hero, developed by Joseph Campbell. It basically outlines the life of the hero, and looking if there's any changes of the hero before and after the quest. Many features from the chronicle of Jason and the Argonauts, fit into this cycle. Aspects such as...

Birth/Home: Ioclus, the rightful king of the throne, had a son named Jason. One day, Jason's uncle, Pelias, made an excuse that Ioclus was too old to be the king, so he was the one whom had stolen the throne from his father and claimed the kingdom. Just in case, Jason's mother kept a quite distance away from Pelias for if he heard about Jason's existence, he would never hesitate to order someone to murder him. He didn't want Jason to take the throne after him.

Call To Adventure: As Jason grew older, he was despirate to take over the throne. So one day, he confronted Pelias and ordered him to return the throne. In response, Pelias stated that he had to show bravery to become the next king heir. The journey was for Jason to bring him the Golden Fleece, then the kingdom would be all his.

Elixir: Jason's elixir was getting the Golden Fleece. It was the only thing he was searching for, and all his intention was on getting the Golden Fleece. He was determined, and he will not let anything stop him from reaching his ambition. Even though there are many interpretations in between.

Helpers: The helpers for Jason's journey in the cartoon, was the Argonauts and Chiron. The Argonauts were a group of powerful people, such as Hercules, The wind brothers, and Atalanta. Each one of them were a big help to Jason, and it couldn't be possible without them, and without them, the quest would have never been completed. The argonauts help Jason get the Golden Fleece and retrieve his rightful place as the king.

Crossing The Threshold: As he journeys to reach the Golden Fleece, Jason and the Argonauts have to get through the Black Sea and onwards to the kingdom which was ruled by the King Aeëtes. In the sea, they had to battle against the strong currents, and get over the obstacles, and those obstacles were made by Medea, the king Aeëtes' daughter.

Helpers/Amulet: Chiron, Chiron's sword, and the Argonauts were Jason's helper and amulet. They all gave Jason a chance to fight and make him believe in himself that he can do it, when he's about to give up. They all make a pathway for Jason and sacrifices themselves just to help Jason get the Golden Fleece.

Tests: During the quest, Jason and the Argonauts went through tons of tests. Just like; the rocks and the strong currents in the sea, the fire-breathing bulls and the dragon who guarded the Golden Fleece. They had to go through many quests just to reach to the Golden Fleece.

Climax/Final Battle: In the cartoon, the climax of Jason and the Argonaut's journey was when the Argonauts were nearly dragged into the Underworld, and Jason had no other choice but to fight Medea to save them. And so he did. With Chiron's sword, he was able to kill Medea whom was in a form of a dragon. After that, the Argonauts were freed, and Jason was able to seize the Golden Fleece and run away.

Return/Flight: After all the fighting and struggling, Jason and the Argonauts traveled back to Jason's kingdom by sea smoothly, and prepared to take the throne away from Pelias. Jason had suceeded his quest and showed his bravery so he was ready, ready to be the king.

There are alot of different versions of this story but, there is also loads of evidence to support each fact and belief that the many essentials of Jason and the Argonauts are true and/or may have occurred before in the past, once. There is a possibility that the quest that Jason had been through could be true facts.

Facts and Proof from the documentary:

  • Mount Pelion; where Jason's journey takes place, does exist.

  • Jason and the Argonauts were the first to sail past the Black Sea; where it's very dangerous, with the strong currents and tides.

  • The first quest was on the real island of Lemnos, Greece.

  • Found the Bronze-Aged Palace of Jason; which obtained many artifacts and debris.

  • Georgia is the "Land Of The Golden Fleece".

  • Argo was the name of the boat; ancient techniques of making boats was used to craft the boat that Jason and the Argonauts used to sail through the Black Sea.

  • Istanbul is where they went.

  • Story occurred in the time of the Trojan War; which is a true event.

  • There were cave paintings of Jason and the Argonauts.

  • The exact cliff where the Lemnian women murdered their men, exist.

  • etc...

This journey is very factual.