Sunday, May 30, 2010

This I believe... :) draft

This picture shows a pair of dirty shoes and it represents how you would feel in these shoes (being in someone else's shoes).

Nobody Is Perfect

Some people think that they are perfect and have everything that they want and need, but they aren't actually perfect. In a lifetime, people like me learn such things as nobody can be perfect, life is never fair and also that words can hurt people. Their want for perfection is so high that when they get something as they wanted, they aim for higher things and their "want" also grows within them. Well, I want perfect grades and perfect of everything. It’s probably not just me but everyone else in the world, some who are devastated, obsessive and even timid people. In the "Korean" social group, what matters the most is "grades". If you don't have much of a good grade, you are not really welcome into the society. I don't think that's fair. When a person from a group says things such things as "Oh, did you hear that girl over their has 4 B's... She has such an awful grade..." and then glances at you, it can really hurt people just like me. They should try to be in the other person's shoes and see how they feel, because I have felt it too once in my life, which was not very long time ago. Everyone should have self confidence in their selves and strive for their best.

Life was never fair for anyone. As much as they want to fit in, they get left out. Life has two sides. One is the fair and joyful side when the other is fury and devastation. I feel these emotions every time. Then I ask myself, "Is it like this to everyone?" but the answer is yes, because wants "something" but in my point of view, many people are perfect. When you see popular kids hanging out with their "cool group" and gossiping, sometimes it makes them look all nice and cool without us realizing that there are many people being left out or having made rumors about or being called mean names. They make us feel as if we are an empty void, or nerds, geeks or showoffs.The group should feel bad for making others feel like this. I'm not saying everyone is like that but I feel there are people out there feeling this. I believe that nobody can ever be perfect and you are just cool they way you already are. This I believe.

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