Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favorite Story- Lamb to the Slaughter

What makes a good story?

As I reflected over our short story unit, my most favorite story was 'Lamb to the Slaughter'. 'Lamb to the slaughter' was written by the all time famous Roald Dahl. He wrote many children (as well as adults) stories. I was drawn to this particular story because the characters were very interrogating. Such as Mrs. Mary Maloney, who kills his husband Mr. Patrick Maloney after he says that he was going to leave her for good. I enjoyed this crime scene setting, a nice, calm and peaceful house with a lovely old couple and one sudden day Mr. Maloney gets killed by his own wife. The setting makes you wonder why Mrs. Maloney would kill his own husband when it is described that she loves him so dearly. The theme of the story interests me deeply. The theme of this story is betrayal and finding her identity.

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