Monday, September 28, 2009

Curiosity Paragraph DRAFT VERSION

Curiosity... Orphan boy and Pandora illustrate how curiosity can lead to disaster and change. I can prove that curiosity can lead to disaster and change because the story "Pandora" tells us that Pandora saw the mysterious box that was gifted by Zeus. She became curious. So she opened the mysterious box and let the bad things out of the box that would put a great effect on the world and made disaster and changes that would effect the world. She didn't expect that much. Also, in "orphan boy", the old man's curiosity overpowered him and he followed the orphan boy to see how he does his chores so fast when he was told not to. The orphan boy lost his trust for the old man, so the orphan boy left the old man and his crops and livestocks died out. This proves why curiosity can lead to disaster and change. On the other hand, this also proves that curiosity is very strong.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Name-Amy

My name- Amy originates from France and England. It means beloved and graceful. I'm not quite sure if I am beloved or graceful. I think my name is a good, plain and easy name. It's easy and simple to remember. It has 3 syllables and 3 letters A-M-Y. Easy isn't it? I didn't know this but there was a little story behind my name. Let me tell you what the story is about.

When I was in kindergarten I heard this really great song and I enjoyed it so much and somewhere in the lyrics, there was an unusual but a sensible name; which was Amy. I believe my name is a nice name. I decided to have that name as my english name. I still like the name Amy. It's very unique. Sometimes people keep making fun of it but I don't really care. I like my name and that's all it matters. I don't regret picking my name at all.

This picture represents my name because, I feel like I am a cup holding all my love inside. It makes me feel important and doesn't let the love go away.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Final Draft of Creation Myth

This picture of Phan Ku is from :
“In the beginning there was chaos” –from the Chinese myth Phan Ku. Themes of chaos are at the centre of many creation myths which is quite amazing due to the fact that they all start in a chaotic state to something (nothing to something). Many cultures have creation myths which aren’t unique to their identity but at the same time contain common themes of creation of men which are also amazing due to the fact that the Raven the creator, Quat the creator, Death the creator and the god Ra the creator all created human beings and how things are nowdays. In fact that there are other similarities with creation myths such as Ta aroa the creator and Phan Ku the creator both came from the cosmic egg. Creation myths contain common element of sacrifice (even though gods don’t die), they sacrifice their selves and they end up somewhere where they can watch the humans-such as heaven, and even becoming the earth theirselves. These creation myths are fantastic because they are from the other parts of the world. Even though the cultures are so far apart they still seek for answers…

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Monsieur Pivot on Horseback

"Every Journey starts with one step"

What do you think about the picture which was drawn by the artist, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot?
I picked 'Monsieur pivot on horseback' because it represents and symbolizes my quote. It looks like as if the man (M
onsieur Pivot) is going on a journey and as he takes one step, he looks back at his home. It looks as if he is longing to see the people that he had left to go on forward with his journey. He looks as if he feels nostalgic. His horse doesn't turn back and it appears to be feeling very devastated to leave wherever he was from. He shows as if he is baffled.

How does it link with our current topic?
This links in with our topic because the man (monsieur Pivot) is going on a journey to a mysterious, puzzling, strange, bizarre, perplexing, inexplicable place that he has never been to. This refers to my current topic; if you see he is steping a step or two forwards and looking back, it means that he wants to go back and not go on a journey after all. He looks like he has no choice to go but to go forward. This links to my quotation "Every Journey starts with one step" because he doesn't want to go but he's taking a step at a time. As my quote says, every journey WILL start with one (simple) step.