Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Final Draft of Creation Myth

This picture of Phan Ku is from :
“In the beginning there was chaos” –from the Chinese myth Phan Ku. Themes of chaos are at the centre of many creation myths which is quite amazing due to the fact that they all start in a chaotic state to something (nothing to something). Many cultures have creation myths which aren’t unique to their identity but at the same time contain common themes of creation of men which are also amazing due to the fact that the Raven the creator, Quat the creator, Death the creator and the god Ra the creator all created human beings and how things are nowdays. In fact that there are other similarities with creation myths such as Ta aroa the creator and Phan Ku the creator both came from the cosmic egg. Creation myths contain common element of sacrifice (even though gods don’t die), they sacrifice their selves and they end up somewhere where they can watch the humans-such as heaven, and even becoming the earth theirselves. These creation myths are fantastic because they are from the other parts of the world. Even though the cultures are so far apart they still seek for answers…


  1. A strong idea to lead with a quote, however it needs to be connected smoothly to the next point or the main theme of your writing. You thesis statement was spread out and this affected the organization of your paragraph. Try and keep it very tight so that you can sequence your ideas carefully. This will communicate more effectively with your reader. The cosmic egg idea needed developing and the sacrifice theme needed justification using myths to prove the point. I like where you were heading with the conclusion.
