Monday, September 28, 2009

Curiosity Paragraph DRAFT VERSION

Curiosity... Orphan boy and Pandora illustrate how curiosity can lead to disaster and change. I can prove that curiosity can lead to disaster and change because the story "Pandora" tells us that Pandora saw the mysterious box that was gifted by Zeus. She became curious. So she opened the mysterious box and let the bad things out of the box that would put a great effect on the world and made disaster and changes that would effect the world. She didn't expect that much. Also, in "orphan boy", the old man's curiosity overpowered him and he followed the orphan boy to see how he does his chores so fast when he was told not to. The orphan boy lost his trust for the old man, so the orphan boy left the old man and his crops and livestocks died out. This proves why curiosity can lead to disaster and change. On the other hand, this also proves that curiosity is very strong.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Try to avoid writing in the first person in a summary paragraph though. Look carefully at your capitalization. Some clear points made here.
