Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Name-Amy

My name- Amy originates from France and England. It means beloved and graceful. I'm not quite sure if I am beloved or graceful. I think my name is a good, plain and easy name. It's easy and simple to remember. It has 3 syllables and 3 letters A-M-Y. Easy isn't it? I didn't know this but there was a little story behind my name. Let me tell you what the story is about.

When I was in kindergarten I heard this really great song and I enjoyed it so much and somewhere in the lyrics, there was an unusual but a sensible name; which was Amy. I believe my name is a nice name. I decided to have that name as my english name. I still like the name Amy. It's very unique. Sometimes people keep making fun of it but I don't really care. I like my name and that's all it matters. I don't regret picking my name at all.

This picture represents my name because, I feel like I am a cup holding all my love inside. It makes me feel important and doesn't let the love go away.


1 comment:

  1. Again some great ideas. I would like you to have explored these deeper, to have shown me how you felt rather than told me. The image was 'cute' but I didn't feel that it connected so well with the text. You need to make a clear, explicit connection for the reader. Look at word choice - you know that the selection of verbs and adjectives really make a piece of writing have more emotion and this piece needed that. A few stories embedded in there would have added depth to this piece.
